February 25, 2022
Face mask obligation and distance rule expired
A number of previously announced relaxations of corona measures will take effect from 25 February 2022. In concrete terms, this concerns the expiry of the distance rules and the mouth cap obligation. Within Aeres this means that:
- The mask obligation at all Aeres locations has been canceled. The advice remains to wear a face mask in situations where keeping a distance of 1.5 meters is not possible, but everyone can weigh this up for themselves;
- The obligation to keep a distance of one and a half meters has been canceled at all Aeres locations.
Precautions for all Aeres sites
A number of precautions continue to apply:
- Maximum ventilation is provided in the buildings;
- In addition to physical education, other working activities can also take place on location. For these other working activities the advice still applies, if possible, to do this on location for a maximum of 50% of the working time. Employees coordinate this with their manager.
- Aeres calls on everyone to continue to observe the basic rules:
o stay home if you have flu or cold symptoms (and test yourself or have yourself tested);
o wash your hands regularly;
o sneezing and coughing in the elbows;
o do not shake hands;
o give each other space where possible.
February 16, 2022
Further relaxation of corona measures
The government is gradually phasing out the corona measures. Below is an overview of what this means within Aeres:
Home work advice relaxed immediately
The advice 'work at home if possible' has been dropped. In addition to providing physical education, it now also applies to other activities that this can again be done on location. For these other activities, the advice still applies, if possible, to do this on location for a maximum of 50% of the working time. Employees will coordinate this with their manager. Aeres is pleased that all colleagues can work together again on location.
Relaxations as of February 18, 2022
As of February 18, 2022, the following relaxations will apply:
- At Aeres MBO and Aeres University of Applied Sciences, the maximum group size for educational activities is cancelled;
- The following applies to Aeres VMBO and Aeres Praktijkonderwijs:
- open days are possible again. Parents, caregivers and other external parties (with a face mask and at 1.5 meters) are allowed to visit the school again;
- schools no longer have to spread the breaks over the various groups and walking routes within the school can be abandoned;
- collaboration is allowed again between different groups within a school (no more cohorting at class/group level).
Relaxations as of February 25, 2022
As of February 25, two important relaxations will be implemented:
- The face mask obligation will lapse at all Aeres locations. The advice remains to wear a face mask in situations where keeping a distance of 1.5 meters is not possible, but everyone can weigh this up for themselves;
- The obligation to keep a distance of 1.5 meters will lapse at all Aeres locations.
Precautions for all Aeres sites
Despite the relaxation, there are still a number of precautions:
- Maximum ventilation and/or ventilation is provided in the buildings;
- There are special walking routes to give each other space;
- Stick to the distance rules and the rules for wearing a face mask until February 25;
- Aeres calls on everyone to continue to observe the basic rules:
- stay home if you have flu or cold symptoms (and test yourself or have yourself tested);
- wash your hands regularly;
- sneezing and coughing in the elbow;
- do not shake hands.
January 26, 2022
Relaxation of quarantine rules
The government has relaxed quarantine measures related to corona. Caution is still advised, but it also brings more flexibility. Below is an overview of what this means:
Pupils and students up to 18 years
Pupils and students under the age of 18 are no longer required to quarantine after contact with a person who has tested positive, provided they are free of complaints. The urgent advice remains to do a preventive self-test twice a week.
Employees and students from 18 years old
Employees and students aged 18 and older no longer need to be quarantined after contact with a person who has tested positive, provided they are free of complaints AND:
- had a booster shot for more than a week OR
- tested positive less than 8 weeks ago.
Moreover, the urgent advice to employees and students remains to do a preventive self-test twice a week.
Quarantine in case of complaints
The following applies to everyone with complaints:
- stay at home and immediately do a self-test;
- in case of a positive result of the self-test: have yourself tested as soon as possible at the GGD and go into isolation at home;
Precautions for all Aeres sites
- The following applies to workplaces and meeting rooms: keep one and a half meters away. In addition, with regard to meetings, check whether these can also be conducted online;
- Maximum ventilation and/or ventilation is provided in the buildings;
- There are special walking routes to give each other space;
- Physical education is possible. The following applies to employees for other activities: work at home, unless there is really no other option;
- Stick to the rules for wearing a face mask;
- This applies when moving through the buildings;
- At Aeres MBO and Aeres UAS, the face mask is also mandatory in the seat when keeping a distance of 1.5 meters is not possible.
- Aeres calls on everyone to continue to observe the basic rules:
- stay home if you have flu or cold symptoms (and test yourself or have yourself tested)
- wash your hands regularly;
- sneezing and coughing in the elbows;
- do not shake hands.
January 15, 2022
Resumption of physical education at Aeres MBO and Aeres University of Applied Sciences from 17 January 2022
Aeres MBO and Aeres Hogeschool will resume providing physical education on Monday 17 January. This follows from the cabinet decision to reopen all educational institutes. There are a number of additional measures.
Aeres MBO and Aeres University of Applied Sciences (Aeres UAS)
Physical education will resume at Aeres MBO and Aeres UAS from 17 January 2022. The locations will communicate the details to the students themselves. The following principles apply:
- An urgent advice to keep 1.5 meters distance as much as possible;
- Wearing face masks is mandatory, also on the fixed seat. The face mask can be taken off during exams where 1.5 meters distance is possible. The advice is to use disposable face masks (type II), available in supermarkets and drugstores;
- There is a maximum group size of 75 people, except for exams;
- Open days are possible. Time slots are used for group sizes above 75 people. Wearing a mouth cap is mandatory and where possible, a distance of one and a half meters is kept;
- The urgent advice to staff and students remains to do a preventive self-test twice a week.
Aeres VMBO and Aeres Practical Education
Aeres VMBO and Aeres Praktijkonderwijs have resumed physical education on 10 January. The following precautions still apply:
- Adults keep a distance of 1.5 meters from each other;
- Face masks must be worn in the corridors, canteen and other traffic areas;
- The urgent advice to employees and students remains to do a preventive self-test twice a week;
- Parents stay outside the school and there are therefore no open days.
Precautions for all Aeres sites
The following applies to workplaces and meeting rooms: check whether these can also be conducted
- Maximum ventilation is provided in the buildings;
- There are special walking routes to give each other space;
- Physical education is possible again. The following applies to employees for other activities: work at home, unless there is really no other option;
- Face masks must be worn in the corridors, canteen and other traffic areas;Aeres calls on everyone to continue to observe the basic rules:
o stay home if you have flu or cold symptoms (and test yourself or have yourself tested);
o wash your hands regularly;
o sneezing and coughing in the elbows;
o do not shake hands.
January 4, 2022
From January 10, 2022, physical education will resume at Aeres VMBO and Aeres Praktijkonderwijs. Adapted program for Aeres MBO and Aeres University of Applied Sciences.
On January 10, 2022, primary schools, secondary schools and schools for special (secondary) education will reopen in the Netherlands. For Aeres, this means that from that date physical education for students of Aeres VMBO and Aeres Praktijkonderwijs will be resumed.
It is not yet known when physical education can be resumed within secondary vocational education and universities of applied sciences. The cabinet will reconsider this on 14 January 2022. Below is an overview of measures within Aeres:
Physical education at Aeres VMBO and Aeres Praktijkonderwijs, with precautions
- When resuming physical education within Aeres VMBO and Aeres Praktijkonderwijs as of January 10, the following precautions apply:
- Adults keep a distance of 1.5 meters from each other;
- Face masks must be worn in the corridors, canteen and other traffic areas;
- Physical education will resume. The following applies to employees for other activities: work at home, unless there is really no other option;
- The urgent advice to staff and students remains to do a preventive self-test twice a week. This urgent test advice applies to everyone, including those who have been vaccinated;
- Parents stay out of school and there are therefore no open days.
Adapted program Aeres MBO
Aeres MBO will partially switch to distance learning from January 10, 2022. The locations will communicate the details to the students themselves. The following principles apply here:
- Students in a vulnerable position (including MBO levels 1 and 2) and students who have to take interim and final examinations are allowed to physically attend the educational institution;
- Practical lessons can take place;
- Students who are allowed to physically come to the institution, keep a distance of 1.5 meters from each other and from employees where possible. Employees also keep a distance of 1.5 meters from each other;
- The urgent advice to staff and students remains to do a preventive self-test twice a week
- Practical internships remain possible, provided the host company provides the opportunity.
Adapted program Aeres University of Applied Sciences
The following principles will apply to education at Aeres University of Applied Sciences from 10 January:
- The buildings are open from 8.00 am to 5.30 pm;
- Planned practicals can continue on location;
- Planned theory lessons are offered online;
- Planned 1-on-1 (supervision) conversations between teacher/mentor and student can take place on location;
- Exams take place according to the schedule, on location;
- Students are advised to preferably study at home, but Aeres offers the option of studying (as much individually as possible) at school;
- Students who are allowed to physically come to the institution, keep a distance of 1.5 meters from each other and from employees where possible. Employees also keep a distance of 1.5 meters from each other;
- The urgent advice to staff and students remains to do a preventive self-test twice a week.
Other precautions for all Aeres Sites
The following applies to workplaces and meeting rooms: keep one and a half meters away. In addition, with regard to meetings, check whether these can also be conducted online;
- Maximum ventilation and/or ventilation is provided in the buildings;
- There are special walking routes to give each other space;
- Aeres calls on everyone to continue to observe the basic rules:
o stay home if you have flu or cold symptoms (and test yourself or have yourself tested);
o wash your hands regularly;
o sneezing and coughing in the elbows;
o do not shake hands.
December 18, 2021
Physical education largely shut down until January 9, 2022
In order to prevent an increase in the number of infections with the corona virus, the cabinet has announced a national lockdown. Below are the consequences of the measure for pupils, students, course participants and employees within Aeres.
- As of December 20, 2021, for the most part, regular physical education at the Aeres educational locations will be cancelled. In the period up to the Christmas holidays, the schools will remain open for the care and guidance of vulnerable pupils and students and for pupils with parents in crucial professions;
- As an exception:
o education for (pre-)exam students is allowed;
o practical lessons are allowed.
Each school will examine how to deal with these points in the period up to the Christmas holidays. The schools will communicate about this with parents, pupils, students and course participants;
- Practical internships remain possible, provided the host company provides the opportunity;
- Even though much less activities take place within the locations, all applicable precautions remain in force within the Aeres buildings. If it is not necessary for work to be on location, the following applies to all employees: work from home.
Normally, physical education will resume after the Christmas holidays, on January 10, 2022. There will be a weighing moment around 3 January 2022, during which the cabinet will examine whether this can indeed continue. Aeres does everything it can to avoid study delays where possible. When a (practical) exam is planned and cannot continue due to corona measures, it will be discussed in consultation how this can be solved.
The concrete implementation of education may differ per school and/or institution, depending on the possibilities of organizing this corona-proof. The VO Council has indicated for the pre-vocational secondary education that the schools can still use Monday 20 and possibly Tuesday 21 December to arrange everything.
The educational locations will inform the parents, pupils, students and course participants themselves.
December 3, 2021
Use self-test for mild complaints
The central government has reported that self-tests can also be used in case of mild corona-related symptoms. In case of mild symptoms, it is therefore no longer necessary (as before) to go to the GGD for a corona test. Instead, you can do a self-test at home. If the result of a self-test is negative, you do not have to stay at home.
If the result of the self-test is positive, you must still be tested at the GGD.
Situations where you don't use a self-test:
- If you are frail or seriously ill, or if you come into contact with vulnerable people. In these cases, a self-test is not sufficient and the advice is to have yourself tested at the GGD;
- if you are in quarantine. You can only end the quarantine by testing at the GGD on day 5.
If the mild symptoms persist, even after a negative self-test, you are advised to still go to the GGD. Students and employees can request free self-tests via https://www.zelftestonderwijs.nl/.
November 26, 2021
Education remains open, with extra precaution
In order to reduce the number of infections with the corona virus, the cabinet has decided to further tighten the corona measures nationally. Education remains open, but there are some additional measures. Below is an overview of the measures that will apply until at least 19 December 2021:
Evening meetings are cancelled:
As a result of the national measures, Aeres will not organize open days or other meetings after 5 p.m. Alternatives will be sought for open days that were already planned during the evenings;
Keep distance:
Nationally, everyone aged 18 and older keeps a distance of 1.5 meters from adults and young people from 13 years old. Within schools, this obligation does not apply to pupils, students and teachers;
- The distance rules do therefore apply to educational support staff and/or to employees at Aeres non-educational locations;
- During open days, the distance rules within schools do apply to adults who come along with the students.
Face masks:
For all Aeres locations, wearing face masks is mandatory in the corridors, canteen and other traffic areas;
Open days:
Open days organized during the day remain possible, subject to the applicable precautions;
Working at home or on location:
- Physical education at the educational locations will continue;
- The following applies to employees for other activities: work at home, unless there is really no other option. Managers and employees will discuss together how to apply this advice in practice;
- The following applies to workplaces and meeting rooms: keep one and a half meters distance. In addition, with regard to meetings, check whether these can also be conducted online;
Basic rules:
Aeres calls on everyone to continue to observe the basic rules.
- Stay home if you have flu or cold symptoms;
- Wash your hands regularly;
- Sneezing and coughing in the elbows;
- Do not shake hands;
The urgent advice to employees, pupils, students and course participants remains to test themselves twice a week. Students (MBO and HBO) and employees can request free self-tests via: https://www.zelftestonderwijs.nl.
- Maximum ventilation is provided in the buildings;
- Walking routes have been adapted to give each other space.
Aeres continues to follow the corona regulations and advice of the central government. Changes to the measures will be communicated as soon as possible.
November 24, 2021
Distancing guidelines adjusted
In response to the persistently high corona figures, the cabinet announced a national tightening of the one and a half meter rule on November 23, which will take effect on November 24.Education is largely an exception, but for Aeres there are still some consequences as a result of the tightening. An overview:
- Keep distance:
o Nationally, everyone aged 18 and older must keep a distance of 1.5 meters from adults and young people from 13 years old. Within schools, this obligation does not apply to pupils, students and teachers;
o The stricter distance rules do therefore apply to educational support staff and/or to employees at Aeres non-educational locations;
o During open days, the distance rules within schools do apply to adults who come with the pupils.
Other rules continue to apply:
- Face masks:
o Wearing a face mask is mandatory in the corridors, canteen and other traffic areas in the buildings within Aeres University of Applied Sciences (UAS), Aeres MBO and Aeres Bestuursbureau;
o At Aeres VMBO locations, wearing face masks is not mandatory;
o For locations where Aeres VMBO pupils and Aeres MBO students share the same building, it applies that, on the basis of the practical possibilities, action will be taken with regard to the obligation to wear face masks within Aeres MBO in the corridors, canteen and other traffic areas;
o Open days remain possible; at all educational locations it is appreciated that adults from the age of 18, including employees, students and parents who come with the students, wear a face mask during open days. Within Aeres MBO and Aeres UAS this is mandatory in the corridors, canteen and other traffic areas;
o Physical education will continue as usual. For other activities, the advice for employees is: work at home, unless there is no other option. Managers and employees discuss how to apply this in practice;
o In regard to workplaces and meeting rooms: keep 1,5 meters distance. Check if meetings can also be held online;
- Aeres again calls on everyone to continue to observe the basic rules:
o stay home if you have flu or cold complaints;
o wash your hands regularly;
o sneezing and coughing in the elbows;
o do not shake hands;
- The advice to employees, pupils, students and course participants remains to test themselves twice a week. Students (MBO and HBO) and employees can request free self-tests via this website https://www.zelftestonderwijs.nl/;
- Maximum ventilation is provided in the buildings.
Aeres continues to follow the corona regulations and advice of the national government and any changes to the measures will be communicated as soon as possible.
November 15, 2021
Corona measures remain in force
In response to the still rising corona figures, the cabinet announced further tightening of the corona measures on November 12, 2021. For schools and universities the situation remains largely unchanged. The measures at a glance:
- Face masks:
o wearing a face mask is mandatory in the corridors, canteen and other traffic areas in the buildings within Aeres University of Applied Sciences (UAS), Aeres MBO and Aeres Bestuursbureau;
o At Aeres VMBO locations, wearing face masks is not mandatory;
o For locations where Aeres VMBO pupils and Aeres MBO students share the same building, it applies that, on the basis of the practical possibilities, action will be taken with regard to the obligation to wear face masks within Aeres MBO in the corridors, canteen and other traffic areas;
- Open days remain possible; at all educational locations it is appreciated that adults from the age of 18, including employees, students and parents who come with the students, wear a face mask during open days. Within Aeres MBO and Aeres UAS this is mandatory in the corridors, canteen and other traffic areas;
- Physical education will continue as usual. For other activities, the advice for employees is: work at home, unless there is no other option. Managers and employees discuss how to apply this in practice;
- In regard to workplaces and meeting rooms: keep 1,5 meters distance. Check if meetings can also be held online;
- Aeres again calls on everyone to continue to observe the basic rules:
o stay home if you have flu or cold complaints;
o wash your hands regularly;
o sneezing and coughing in the elbows;
o do not shake hands;
- The advice to employees, pupils, students and course participants remains to test themselves twice a week;
- Maximum ventilation is provided in the buildings.
Aeres continues to follow the corona regulations and advice of the national government and any changes to the measures will be communicated as soon as possible.
November 3, 2021
Tightening corona measures
In response to rising corona figures, the cabinet announced tightening of the corona measures that will come into effect on November 6, 2021. The tightening has the following consequences for Aeres:
- Face masks:
o From 6 November, wearing a face mask is mandatory in the corridors, canteen and other traffic areas in the buildings within Aeres University of Applied Sciences (UAS) and Aeres MBO;
o At Aeres VMBO locations, wearing face masks is not mandatory;
o For locations where Aeres VMBO pupils and Aeres MBO students share the same building, it applies that, on the basis of the practical possibilities, action will be taken with regard to the obligation to wear face masks within Aeres MBO in the corridors, canteen and other traffic areas;
o At all educational locations, it is appreciated that adults from the age of 18, including employees, students and parents who come with the students, wear a face mask during open days. Within Aeres MBO and Aeres UAS this is mandatory in the corridors, canteen and other traffic areas;
- Physical education will continue as usual;
- Aeres again calls on everyone to continue to observe the basic rules:
o stay home if you have flu or cold complaints;
o wash your hands regularly;
o sneezing and coughing in the elbows;
o do not shake hands;
- The advice to employees, pupils, students and course participants remains to test themselves twice a week;
- Maximum ventilation and/or ventilation is provided in the buildings;
The cabinet has indicated that further tightening of the corona measures in the coming weeks cannot be ruled out. Aeres continues to follow the corona regulations and advice of the national government and any changes to the measures will be communicated as soon as possible.
September 15, 2021
Further relaxation of corona measures as of September 25, 2021
The central government has announced important relaxation of the corona measures within education with effect from 25 September. The relaxation is partly possible because the vaccination rate in the Netherlands has risen sharply in recent months. Within Aeres, the relaxations mean the following:
- The rules still in force regarding keeping a distance of one and a half meters will expire at all locations;
- Wearing a face mask in the corridors, canteen and other traffic areas is no longer mandatory. The obligation had already expired for teaching situations;
- Within Aeres MBO and Aeres University of Applied Sciences, the maximum group size of 75 students per independent space where educational activities take place will be abolished.
Stay vigilant
Aeres is happy with the new relaxations but remains vigilant, because the risk of corona infections still exists. Therefore, it still applies:
- In case of cold complaints: stay at home;
- The advice to employees, pupils, students and course participants to test themselves twice a week;
- Extra attention is paid to good ventilation at the locations.
In addition to the increased vaccination rate, continuing to comply with the corona measures that are still in force, helps to strengthen the feeling of safety. Aeres continues to follow the advice and instructions of the central government and calls on everyone to remain vigilant and to continue to follow the directions where necessary.
August 23, 2021
Further relaxation of corona measures
Aeres follows the measures taken by the central government in its corona policy. After earlier relaxation of the corona measures within Aeres VMBO, there are now also relaxations within Aeres MBO and Aeres University of Applied Sciences (Aeres UAS) from Monday 30 August. An overview:
Aeres VMBO and Aeres Practical Education
- The locations of Aeres VMBO and Aeres Praktijkonderwijs are completely open for physical education;
- In case of cold symptoms, the following applies to employees and students: stay at home;
- Pupils still have to keep a distance of 1.5 meters from their teachers;
- Wearing a face mask is mandatory outside the lessons. The mask can be removed as soon as a fixed seat has been taken, for example at a workplace, in the teaching room or in a meeting room;
- In practical lessons where the 1.5 meters between teacher/employee and student/student/student cannot be guaranteed, the obligation to wear a face mask applies;
- The advice to staff and students is to test themselves twice a week;
- Walking routes in the buildings ensure that contact remains limited;
- Good ventilation is provided at the teaching locations.
Aeres MBO and Aeres University of Applied Sciences
- From Monday, August 30, 2021, more physical education will be possible at the location:
- Students and teachers no longer have to keep a distance of 1.5 meters from each other.
- In case of cold symptoms, the following applies to students and employees: stay at home;
- The advice to staff and students is to test themselves twice a week;
- Wearing a face mask is mandatory in the corridors, canteen and other traffic areas. The mask can be removed as soon as a fixed seat has been taken, for example at a workplace,in the teaching room or in a meeting room;
- There is a maximum group size of 75 students per independent space where educational activities take place;
- Walking routes in the buildings ensure that contact remains limited;
- Good ventilation is provided at the teaching locations.
Aeres also follows the advice of the Dutch government with regard to its travel policy. As a result, it is currently possible to travel for work or study to countries designated by the government with the codes 'green' or 'yellow' at the time of departure. There is no travel to countries with the red or orange codes. An up-to-date overview of the color codes per country can be found here.
For students who are staying abroad, or who have booked a trip, they themselves bear the risk with regard to any costs when the code of a country changes from green or yellow to red or orange.
June 14, 2021
Travel to countries with code 'green' or 'yellow' possible
With regard to its travel policy, Aeres follows the advice of the Dutch government. As a result, it is currently possible to travel for work or study to countries designated by the government with the codes 'green' or 'yellow' at the time of departure.
There is no travel to countries with the red or orange codes. An up-to-date overview of the color codes per country can be found here.
For students who are staying abroad, or who have booked a trip, they themselves bear the risk with regard to any costs when the code of a country changes from green or yellow to red or orange.
April 21, 2021
Classes on location after the May holidays
Students in higher education can again follow physical education on location from April 26, for a maximum of one day per week. This became clear in the cabinet's press conference on April 21. For Aeres Hogeschool, this means that the lessons start on location after the May holiday or the week after. There will be communication per faculty about the exact details per location.
March 24, 2021
Update travel policy
With regard to travelling abroad, Aeres follows the advice and regulations of the national government. For that reason it is policy not to travel for work or study purposes. This measure was extended this week until May 15, 2021.
March 11, 2021
Update Travel policy
With regard to travelling abroad, Aeres follows the advice and regulations of the national government. For that reason, there is currently no travel within Aeres for work or study purposes. This measure was extended this week until April 15, 2021.
February 4, 2021
Distance learning period extended to March 1, 2021
As a result of the extension of the national lockdown the period during which mainly distance learning is given has been extended to March 1. The educational locations remain open for a number of situations:
- Practical lessons are allowed;
- Exams, pre-exams and practical exams are allowed;
- The schools remain open to the guidance of vulnerable pupils;
- For Aeres VMBO, Nordwin College VMBO-Groen and Aeres Praktijkonderwijs, physical education is allowed for exam classes;
- Internships continue, provided the host companies have the opportunity to do so.
Presence of employees
The educational locations of Aeres and Nordwin College remain open to employees who must be present for the continuity of education and / or necessary processes. When it is not necessary for work to be on location, the following applies to all employees: work from home if possible. This also applies to employees at office locations.
The exact way in which education is organized may differ per school and / or institution, depending on the possibilities of doing this corona proof. If necessary, the educational locations will inform the parents, pupils, students and course participants about this.
January 14, 2021
Distance learning period extended to February 7, 2021
On January 12th the cabinet announced that the national lockdown has been extended by three weeks. Moreover, the 1.5 meter measures within educational institutes have been further tightened. Below is an overview of the consequences for pupils, students, course participants and employees:
The period in which a large part of physical education has been cancelled, has been extended at all educational locations until February 7, 2021. The current exceptions to these measures remain:
- Practical lessons are allowed;
- Exams, pre-exams and practical exams are allowed;
- The schools remain open to the guidance of vulnerable pupils;
- For Aeres VMBO, Nordwin College VMBO-groen and Aeres Praktijkonderwijs, physical education is allowed for exam classes;
- Internships continue, provided the host companies have the opportunity to do so.
Distance rules tightened
Where possible, pupils in pre-vocational secondary education (vmbo) should now also keep a distance of 1.5 meters from each other. This rule already applied between mbo and hbo students and between pupils, students, course participants and their teachers.
Where applicable, the existing RIVM guidelines continue to apply with regard to keeping a distance of 1.5 meters and wearing mouth masks.
There will be no travelling abroad for work or study purposes until March.
Presence of employees
The educational locations of Aeres and Nordwin College remain open to employees who must be present for the continuity of education and / or necessary processes. When it is not necessary for work to be on location, the following applies to all employees: work from home if possible. This also applies to employees at office locations.
December 15, 2020
Distance learning within Aeres and Nordwin College from December 16, 2020 to January 17, 2021
To prevent the spread of the corona virus, the cabinet had to take the decision to largely stop physical educational activities nationwide. The measure will run from December 16, 2020 to January 17, 2021.
Below is an overview of the consequences of the measure for pupils, students, course participants and employees within Aeres and Nordwin College.
- As of Wednesday, December 16, a large part of the lessons at the educational locations of Aeres and Nordwin College will be canceled. Where possible, a switch will be made to distance learning. There are a number of important exceptions to this measure:
o Practical lessons are allowed;
o Exams, pre-exams and practical exams are allowed;
o The schools remain open for the guidance of vulnerable pupils and students and for pupils with parents in crucial professions;
o For Aeres VMBO, Nordwin College VMBO-groen and Aeres Praktijkonderwijs, physical education is allowed for exam classes.
- Internships continue, provided the host companies have the opportunity to facilitate this;
- The educational locations of Aeres and Nordwin College remain open to employees who must be present for the continuity of education and / or necessary processes;
- When it is not necessary for work to be on location, the following applies to all employees: work from home if possible. This also applies to employees at locations where no education is given;
- With regard to international travelling, it applies that until mid-March travel is not done for work or study purposes;
- Where applicable, the RIVM guidelines continue to apply with regard to keeping a distance of one and a half meters and wearing mouth masks.
Aeres and Nordwin College do everything they can to prevent study delay where possible. When a practical exam is planned at another location (for example a company) and cannot take place due to corona measures, we will consult together to see how this can be resolved.
The exact content of the education may differ per school and / or institution, depending on the possibilities for organizing this in a Corona proof way. The educational locations themselves will inform the parents, pupils, students and course participants about this.
November 30, 2020
Face masks mandatory at educational locations
As expected, as of December 1, 2020, the national government will make the wearing of a face mask mandatory in public spaces as well as within educational locations. The measure will initially apply for a period of three months, with the option of extension.
As a result, the following applies within Aeres and Nordwin College:
- From December 1, 2020, it is mandatory to wear a face mask at all Aeres educational locations. In principle, this obligation only applies to places outside the normal teaching situation. This includes corridors, the auditorium, the entrance and exit of canteens, and so on. In principle, the obligation applies for a period of three months, with the option of extension.
For locations where no education is provided, such as the Administrative Office, there is no obligation, but an urgent advice to wear a face mask when one is not at the fixed work or meeting place.
- Also in practical lessons where the 1.5 meters between teacher / lecturer/ employee and pupil / student / course participant cannot be guaranteed, the obligation to wear a face mask applies.
- The face mask can be removed as soon as a fixed seat has been taken, for example at a workplace, in the classroom or in a conference room.
- The rule to keep 1.5 metres apart remains in full force at all places where it already applied.
- The face mask aims to prevent the spread of viruses and other germs. The national government indicates that a scarf or bandana is not sufficient for this. A transparent face shield is also not seen as an allowed face mask, because it does not completely cover the mouth and nose.
Work at home or on location
The policy on working from home or on location has not changed. Aeres' educational activities will continue as we do to date. Where this takes place at location, the teaching staff and the necessary support staff are present. For other employees, who do not necessarily need to be present for the primary process, they work from home unless there is no other option.
October 14, 2020
In a press conference on October 13, 2020, the government announced new measures and recommendations, with the aim of reducing the number of corona infections. We follow national guidelines and where necessary the policy with regard to corona has been tightened. Aeres urges everyone within the organization to take the measures to heart, so that the corona virus has as little chance as possible to spread further. A number of important measures at a glance:
Face masks
- As of October 15, 2020, the urgent advice to wear a face mask applies to all teaching and course locations of Aeres and Nordwin College, in places outside the normal teaching situation. This includes corridors, the auditorium, the entrance and exit of canteens, and so on. Even in practical lessons where the meter and a half between teacher / employee and pupil / student / trainee cannot be guaranteed, it is the urgent advice to wear a face mask;
- The face mask can be taken off as soon as a fixed seat has been taken, e.g. at a workplace, in the classroom, or in a conference room;
- Pupils, students, trainees and employees themselves ensure that they have face masks in their posession. Now that the urgent advice is to wear face masks in public spaces throughout the Netherlands, it is normal to have this standard in ones own possession.
Only during practical lessons, where necessary, protective equipment is provided in accordance with existing agreements;
- Face masks are provided to visitors who do not have a face mask with them;
- The rule to keep one and a half meters distance remains in full force in all places where this measure was already applied.
Work at home or on location
The policy on working from home or on location has not changed. Aeres' educational activities will continue as we do to date. Where this takes place on location, the teaching staff and the necessary support staff are present. Other employees, who do not necessarily need to be present for the primary process, work from home unless there is no other option.
The Aeres organisation remains reluctant to organise meetings outside of education, such as open days. The advice is to organize the meeting online, if possible, in order to prevent people from different households from coming into contact with each other.
If people do come together physically for the meeting, a maximum group size of 30 people applies, with due observance of the applicable corona guidelines.
The maximum of 30 people does not apply to meetings directly related to education, such as teacher meetings, lessons and trainings.
September 29, 2020
Precautionary measures
Tightened corona measures were announced in the cabinet press conference on September 28, 2020. These measures take effect on September 29 and are valid for three weeks. In response to this, the following applies within the Aeres organization:
- The educational activities will continue as we have done to date. Where this takes place on location, the teaching staff and the necessary support staff are present.
- Other employees who are not necessary for the primary process will work from home unless there is no other option.
- The Aeres organization is reluctant to organising meetings outside of education, especially if non-essential travel movements have to take place. A maximum group size of 30 people always applies.
- The advices of the GGD and RIVM will be followed with regard to testing for corona and / or any necessary home quarantine.
- Are you in doubt? This decision tree may be helpfull.
The guidelines of the RIVM are leading and in addition, the educational institutions follow the protocols for each sector. We remain vigilant, with the aim of always creating a healthy learning and working environment for our pupils, students, course participants and employees.
August 27, 2020
Much attention to ventilation
The situation around corona has made it clear that good air quality is important in spaces where people learn and work. Aeres focuses on this topic in order to provide a safe working climate at the educational locations.
Each building has its own ventilation options. Where air treatment takes place, incoming air is filtered, after which it is also extracted and discharged outside. So there is no recirculation of "used" air. The mechanical ventilation is set in such a way that it runs at full power 24/7.
Locations without air treatment have the option of opening windows. Here the advice is followed to open windows regularly to provide adequate ventilation.
With these measures, Aeres ensures a continuous supply of fresh outside air and a rapid removal of used air, which is important to prevent possible virus spread.
July 7, 2020
Until 1 September 2020, there will be no internships, excursions or study trips for students within Aeres, even to countries for which the travel advice has been relaxed. As of September 1 it is only in certain cases possible to travel for work or study purposes. We always follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in our travelling policy. This means that it is not allowed to travel internationally to countries that are marked as a red or orange zone for travel. If you would like to travel to a country that is designated as a yellow zone for travel, you will have to discuss this with your teacher.
In case of a lockdown of a country Aeres will not be responsible for costs of return or other costs that are related to the lockdown.
June 26, 2020
Relaxations possible in Aeres educational activities
The relaxations announced by the government on July 24 with regard to the corona measures offer extra space for Aeres' educational activities.
Aeres VMBO
For Aeres VMBO, education will return to normal as of the start of the 2020/21 school year. The one and a half meter rule between students is canceled. However, they must keep a distance of one and a half meters from the (teaching) staff. The one and a half meter rule also remains in force for employees themselves.
Aeres University of Applied Science (Aeres UAS) and Aeres MBO
For Aeres UAS and Aeres MBO, more education is possible on location as of the start of the 2020/21 study year. However, the one and a half meter rule remains in full force for students and staff. The institutions are therefore preparing for a combination of on-site and online education. The best way to fill this in is determined per grade and per location.
Aeres Tech and Aeres Training Centers
The commercial trainings that take place within Aeres Tech and the Aeres Training Centers, will again take place in the normal way from July 1, with due observance of the one and a half meter rule.
Trips abroad
Until 1 September 2020, there will be no internships, excursions or study trips for students within Aeres, even to countries for which the travel advice has been relaxed. At the beginning of July, Aeres will decide on the possible space that will arise again after 1 September 2020. The travel advice from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be leading in this.
Open days and events
From 1 July 2020, open days and other events can be prepared and / or organized within Aeres. The RIVM guidelines must be adhered to at all times. This means, among other things, that the one and a half meter rule is applied and, if applicable, the maximums set for the number of visitors inside or outside.
May 29, 2020
Gradual resumption of activities at locations
In its policy, Aeres follows the guidelines of the cabinet and is therefore preparing to resume a number of activities on location. For vmbo and practical education this applies from June 2 and for mbo and hbo from June 15.
Measures have been taken at all locations to ensure a distance of one and a half meters between people. The number of people who may be present in buildings at the same time is adjusted accordingly. The educational locations will take into account that education will not take place during and shortly before and after rush hours. This measure is taken because of government guidelines to limit the occupation of public transport. Additional measures have been and are being taken with regard to, for example, walking routes, hygiene and limitation of the number of people who may be in one area. The safety of our employees, pupils and students is paramount.
Where education on location is not yet possible, we will continue remote education.
Aeres institutions are working on longer-term protocols, so that we are prepared for the situation in which the one-and-a-half meter society requires more structural changes.
April 22, 2020
At the press conference on April 22, Prime Minister Rutte announced that many of the current measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus will be maintained until May 20. This decision will be reconsidered on 13 May.
For Aeres, this means that there are virtually no changes to the measures that have already been taken. However within Aeres VMBO preparations are being made to (partially) resume education at the locations on 2 June. The way in which this is implemented may differ per school location. The locations will inform the students and parents about this when the details are clear.
In addition, the measures mean that Aeres has canceled all events until 1 September 2020. Various Aeres institutions organize digital open days, which means that informing interested new students and trainees can still take place partly.
Education within Aeres is provided at distance where possible and employees work from home as much as possible. In addition, scenarios are developed that take into account a longer period in which restrictive measures are involved. On the one hand, these scenarios take into account a ‘one and a half meter society’ and are on the other hand aimed at preventing study delays as much as possible.
April 01, 2020
Measures extended until May holidays
The cabinet has extended the duration of the measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. As a result of this extension, there will be no educational activities at Aeres schools and locations until May holidays.
Consultation with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science should clarify what this means for the education sector and for Aeres. This will be reported as soon as possible.
March 24, 2020
All events cancelled until June 1
The cabinet has decided that the ban on meetings and events will be extended until June 1 and that it now also applies to groups of under 100 participants.
March 18, 2020
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises all Dutch people to stop traveling abroad in the coming period, unless strictly necessary. This is in line with Aeres' policy: all foreign trips and excursions of any kind that take place until April 6 are cancelled for pupils, students, trainees and employees. This measure also regards travelling for internships abroad. We are seriously considering an extension of this measure. That is why we advise you not to buy tickets for a trip abroad now. We will of course monitor the situation closely and we will inform you when as soon as possible.
Students abroad
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises students who are currently abroad to come back to The Netherlands. We are in contact with all our students abroad and we are discussing possible returns. We will map out the consequences of cancelling the internship or study abroad as soon as possible. This is currently also discussed nationally.
March 15, 2020
No educational activities at schools and locations from Aeres until April 6, but education continues as far as possible from a distance
In order to prevent spreading of the coronavirus, the Dutch government decided to discontinue (almost all) educational activities in schools. The health of all pupils, students, course participants and employees is paramount for Aeres. From that starting point, the consequences of the government policy for pupils, students, trainees and employees are set out below.
1. Lessons at Aeres schools and locations are canceled
As of Monday, March 16 through April 6, classes will no longer be offered at Aeres schools and locations. This new measure applies to Aeres Praktijkonderwijs in Emmeloord and all branches of Aeres VMBO, Aeres MBO and Aeres Training Centre.
Individual exceptions are discussed in person with students and trainees.
Since last week, Aeres Hogeschool and Aeres Tech had already suspended educational activities on location. The duration of this measure has now been extended to 6 April.
2. Teaching and exams will continue as much as possible
Aeres buildings remain open to employees and exam candidates.
The boards and education teams of Aeres Praktijkonderwijs, Aeres VMBO, Aeres MBO and Aeres Training Centre will discuss Monday 16 March how education can still be provided. This can include homework assignments and /or online lessons. The starting point is to prevent study delay where possible.
Intake activities for the 2020-2021 school year will also continue as far as possible.
For exam candidates, the aim is to continue the exams and practical exams as much as possible. When a practical exam is planned at a different location (for example, a company) and cannot be carried out due to corona measures, we will discuss how this can be solved.
Pupils of parents in crucial professions can contact the school management to discuss the options for childcare. An overview of these crucial professions can be found here.
3. Events
Aeres has decided to cancel all events until April 15. Examples of events are: open days, congresses and information sessions.
4. Employees:
Employees stay at home when they show flu or cold symptoms. They coordinate this with their manager.
For employees who do not show flu or cold symptoms, the following applies:
a. Teachers: this group is requested to come to work to prepare and implement necessary educational adjustments.
b. Other employees: in principle, the work continues. Managers discuss with their teams whether and how (partial) working from home can be completed, with the aim for continuity of necessary activities and processes. More information for employees will follow on March 16.
For educational support staff living in North Brabant the request is that they work from home, if possible. They coordinate this with their manager.
c. There will be no international travel for work until April 6.
d. Aeres asks all employees to be very reluctant in domestic travel for work and / or inviting visitors to the Aeres locations. Necessary work meetings can take place, with digital meetings strongly recommended.
5. Pupils, students and trainees:
- There are no regular educational activities at Aeres schools and locations until April 6. Pupils, students and trainees are therefore expected to stay at home. Exam candidates may come to the location for exams and practical exams.
Any exceptions to the measures are discussed individually with relevant pupils, students and trainees.
- Pupils, students and trainees who have cold or flu complaints may not come to the Aeres location.
- There will be no international travel for study until April 6. This also applies to internships and excursions abroad.
- You can go to locations for your study (for example, an internship or a company), provided this does not conflict with the policy and guidelines that apply to the location you are going to. If in doubt, consult with your contact person at the relevant location and or with your contact person from your study program.
6. General instruction for everyone:
In addition to the previous instructions, the following applies:
a. Always call the doctor if you have a fever above 38 degrees with respiratory complaints (coughing or shortness of breath).
b. Keep a distance of at least five feet from others as much as possible.
March 13, 2020
All forms of travelling and excursions abroad that take place in March are cancelled. This also regards travelling for internships abroad. This measure applies to both staff and students.
March 12, 2020
Aeres follows the guidelines of the RIVM in its coronavirus policy. In response to the tightened RIVM policy, Aeres has listed the consequences for students, trainees and employees. This is shown below:
1. Aeres University of Applied Science: no education at location
In order to prevent further spread of the coronavirus, the cabinet has called on universities of applied sciences and universities to stop offering education at locations of these universities with immediate effect. This means that there will be no educational activities offered at the locations of Aeres UAS in Almere, Dronten and Wageningen as of 13-3-2020 until 31-3-2020. Individual exceptions will be discussed personally with the student.The buildings will be open and we are looking into ways how remote education can be implemented. You will receive further notice. Please keep an eye to the Aeres website for more information.
2. Educational activities that continue
All other educational activities of Aeres (amongst which Aeres VMBO, Aeres MBO, Aeres Training Centre, Aeres Tech) will continue if reasonably possible. This means no Aeres-locations will be closing down.
3. Events
Aeres has decided to reduce the number of events to a minimum. Also, following government policy, Aeres cancels all events with over 100 expected visitors until March 31. This applies to all Aeres-locations. For example: open days, conferences and other large meetings.
4. Employees
All employees are supposed to stay at home when they show flu or cold symptoms. Employees will coordinate this with their manager.
The following applies to employees who do not show flu or cold symptoms:
a. Aeres expects teachers to continue with their teaching duties. Work meetings can take place as planned. With regard to Aeres University of Applied Science (Aeres UAS) it will be discussed how remote education can be implemented. The management teams of Aeres UAS will meet on March 13 and there aim is to prevent study delay for all students as much as possible.
An additional measure for teachers living in the province of Noord-Brabant:
If they do not need to be at the Aeres location for educational tasks, we ask them to work from home as much as possible. The teachers will coordinate this with their manager.
b. Other employees: Work and work meetings can take place as planned. Aeres asks its employees to limit travelling for work and/or inviting visitors to the Aeres-locations.
An additional measure for employees living in the province of Noord-Brabant:
Work at home, if possible. Employees coordinate this with their manager.
5. Students and trainees on locations where educational activities still take place:
- All students and trainees are supposed to stay at home when they show flu or cold symptoms. They are not allowed to be at the Aeres-location.
- Other students and trainees are supposed to attend the educational activities.
- For students, and trainees living in Noord-Brabant: If they do not need to be at the Aeres-location for educational activities, we ask them to stay at home.
6. General instructions for everyone
On top of the directions above:
a. Always call the doctor if you have a fever above 38 degrees with respiratory complaints (cough or shortness of breath)
b. You can go to locations (for example an internship, or a company) for your work or study, provided that this is not in conflict with the policy and guidelines that apply to the location you are going to. If in doubt, consult with your contact person at the relevant location.
March 10, 2020 (2)
Aeres follows the guidelines of the RIVM in its coronavirus policy. In response to the tightened RIVM policy with regard to the province of Noord-Brabant, Aeres has listed the consequences for students, trainees and employees. This is shown below:
1. The educational activities of Aeres will continue if this is reasonably possible.
2. Employees living in the province of Noord-Brabant:
All employees living in the province of Noord-Brabant are supposed to stay at home when they show flu or cold symptoms. Employees will coordinate this with their manager.
The following applies to employees from the province of Noord-Brabant who do not show flu or cold symptoms:
a. Aeres expects teachers to continue with their teaching duties. However, if they do not need to be at the Aeres location for educational tasks, we ask them to work from home as much as possible. The teachers will coordinate this with their manager.
b. Other employees: Aeres asks other employees to work at home, if possible. The employees coordinate this with their manager.
3. Students and trainees living in Noord-Brabant:
All students and trainees from the province of North Brabant are supposed to stay at home when they show flu or cold symptoms. They are not allowed to be at the Aeres location.
Other pupils, students and trainees from the province of North Brabant are supposed to attend the educational activities. However, if they do not need to be at the Aeres location for educational activities, we ask them to stay at home.
4. Students, course trainees and employees who do not live in Noord-Brabant:
For this group, all Aeres activities continue wherever possible, while following the general instructions:
a. Call the doctor if you:
- have a fever (above 38 degrees) with respiratory complaints (cough or shortness of breath)
- AND have been in one of the Corona risk areas for the past two weeks.
- OR have been in contact with a coronavirus patient in the past two weeks.
b. You can go to locations (for example an internship, or a company) in the province of Noord-Brabant for your work or study, provided that this is not in conflict with the policy and guidelines that apply to the location you are going to. If in doubt, consult with your contact person at the relevant location.
March 10, 2020 (1)
RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment calls on everyone: do not to shake hands when greeting someone. Aeres requests all students, trainees and employees to act according to this call.
On top of this Aeres follows the tightened RIVM guidelines for the province of Noord-Brabant. In the course of Tuesday 10 March there will be further communication about the consequences this has for students and employees.
March 7, 2020
RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment advises residents of the province of Noord-Brabant to limit their social contacts if they have a cold, cough or a fever. This means: stay at home. Aeres passes this advice on to all students, trainees and employees.
RIVM asks people living in Noord-Brabant with a cold, who have a cough or a fever, to avoid their social contacts as much as possible. For example, work at home, do not visit others or go to places where many people gather. If you have complaints and still want to leave the house, try to keep as much distance from others as possible. This reduces the chance of you spreading the virus unnoticed. Only call your GP if your symptoms get worse.
March 4, 2020
Students and employees who show symptoms and have recently been to one of the areas where the coronavirus is prevalent (China, South Korea, Iran, Singapore and Northern Italy), are adviced to stay at home.