Internationaal Aeres Tech

Aeres Tech has been training companies and professionals worldwide since 1954. Because of our years of experience we know better than anyone which forms of training and education best suit the country in which the training is given. Culture, prosperity, language and legislation are just a few topics that play important roles. Each country, company and professional requires their own specific training approach.

Capacity Building

Continuity is becoming increasingly more important. We support companies in setting up training centres abroad. We guide the whole project, from idea to concept and from concept to execution.

Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP)

Aeres Tech offers courses in the areas of Engineering Technology and Refrigeration which are recognised by the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP). This means that participants from a great many countries may be eligible for a grant. The aim of the NFP is to support capacity building in developing countries’ societies. Representatives from national and regional authorities apply the knowledge they gain in the Netherlands back home, as an agricultural consultant for example. In this way they support local agricultural businesses and individual farmers in achieving improved production and better operational management.